International Overdose Awareness Day
Various locations statewideInternational Overdose Awareness Day commemorates those lost to overdoses and raises awareness about the overdose crisis.
International Overdose Awareness Day commemorates those lost to overdoses and raises awareness about the overdose crisis.
Organizers will commemorate those lost to overdoses with flags at Lincoln Park.
Join the Harm Reduction Action Center participants, staff, and community partners for a time of mourning and overdose prevention education. There will be naloxone (Narcan) trainings, fentanyl testing strip trainings, ruckus raising, and a memorial.
Help us bring awareness to International Overdose Awareness Day by celebrating those we've lost, those we've saved and those who have been affected by overdose.
An event featuring speakers, a memorial walk, and live music.
The community will be gathering at City Hall (107 N. Nevada Ave.) on the evening of Aug. 31 at 6 p.m. to commemorate International Overdose Awareness Day.
National Recovery Month runs from Sept. 1 through Sept. 30.
Celebrate and support those in recovery at this event featuring speakers, food, games, movies, and more. Sponsored by Peer 180. For more information, contact
SAFE DISPOSAL WORK GROUP MEETING Tuesday, September 14, 2021 from 10-11:30 a.m. via Zoom* AGENDA: Introductions Approval of prior meeting minutes Medication Take-Back Program updates Sharps Collection Program Development updates […]
AGENDA: Introductions (add to chat) Approval of prior meeting minutes Your Words Have Power—overview of stigma presentations from Barbara Jackson Provider education symposium discussion questions for HR panel Member/community updates […]
AGENDA 1. Work Group Introductions and Norms 2. Work Group Business Items: a. Approval of August meeting minutes b. ED-RSS Update 3. Public Relations: a. Recovery Month b. One-pager c. […]