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Recovery Friendly Workplaces

A Recovery Friendly Workplace (RFW) is an organization that uses evidence-based policies and practices to unite the entire organization by recognizing recovery from addiction as a strength and by being willing to work intentionally with people in recovery.

RFWs encourage a healthy, safe, and productive work environment where employers, employees, and communities can collaborate to create positive change and eliminate barriers for those impacted by addiction.

The Recovery Friendly Workplace Initiative provides education, training, and resources to help managers and individuals implement workplace practices and support for employees in treatment and recovery.

The Colorado Recovery Friendly Workplace Toolkit

The Colorado Recovery Friendly Workplace Toolkit is a comprehensive document that enables employers to take the first steps in becoming an organization that supports all employees, especially those in recovery from addiction. Read the toolkit in the viewer below or download it as a PDF.

The toolkit was developed by the Colorado Consortium for Prescription Drug Abuse Prevention, which is part of the University of Colorado Center for Prescription Drug Abuse Prevention, and the Center for Health, Work, and Environment at the Colorado School of Public Health. Dr. John Narine was the project consultant and subject-matter expert.

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