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Benzodiazepine Peer Support Training

New training course!

The Benzodiazepine Action Work Group (BAWG) at the Colorado Consortium for Prescription Drug Abuse Prevention announces the very first training course of its kind, Recovering from Benzodiazepines for Peer Specialists. This 12-hour training course is designed to educate peers, counselors, caregivers and providers on specialized information regarding benzodiazepine use, its associated complications such as withdrawal and benzodiazepine-induced neurological dysfunction (BIND) (protracted withdrawal), and how to support the individual as they taper, heal, and find wellness. 

Upcoming classes

No classes have been scheduled for this summer. We will update this site, so please check back soon.

Benzodiazepine-Induced Neurological Dysfunction (BIND)

Most individuals who face the complications of benzodiazepine-induced neurological dysfunction (BIND) have taken this medication as prescribed by a licensed physician. They experience severe symptoms and life alterations specific to physical dependence, an experience quite dissimilar to that of substance use disorder (SUD). When they seek support in the medical community they are often dismissed, misdiagnosed, or referred to SUD treatment. So, they turn to their peers and online support groups for help — and that is where we come in.

This course is designed to help those individuals by giving them the information, research, and tools they need to support this disenfranchised community. It has been designed to meet state certification standards and has been integrated into core recovery training as provided by established training organizations.

Course details

COPA/CPFS approved, 12 CE Credits Available

Course objectives 

  • Discuss benzodiazepine conditions for prescribing, use and discontinuation
  • Identify the difference between substance use disorder (SUD) and Physical Dependency (PD)
  • Define, describe and explain BIND
  • Understand the barriers & stigma that impede wellness and healing
  • Develop skills to support hope, healing & wellness for Benzodiazepine Affected Individuals
  • Recognize and identify boundaries for the helper and the caregiver
  • Learn strategies to prevent compassion fatigue

Origins of the course

Recovering from Benzodiazepines for Peer Support was created by the Benzodiazepine Action Work Group (BAWG) and is the property of the Colorado Consortium for Prescription Drug Abuse Prevention. It is the result of over 12-months of development involving over 20 contributors from medical, training, SUD, and lived-experience backgrounds. It was developed in conjunction with Choices Trainings.

Benzodiazepine Action Work Group (BAWG)

The mission of the Benzodiazepine Action Work Group is to increase benzodiazepine safety through education, patient support, and informed prescribing and deprescribing practices.